Advanced Call Settings – an essential app for your mobile phone.
Advanced Call Settings is a replacement for the Call Settings menu on Android phone. This app covers all functions in the Call Settings menu, and it includes many advanced settings that you can not do with the built-in Call Settings menu.
BEFORE USING this app, you have to MAKE PROVISIONING FOR THE APPROPRIATE SUPPLEMENTARY SERVICES with your mobile service provider (your mobile network operator).
★ Some terms and definitions:
- Basic mobile service: telephony (voice call), facsimile (fax call), SMS, data…
- Supplementary service: call forwarding, call barring, call waiting, line identification…
★ With this app, you can:
- Forward an incoming call to different numbers for each of the basic mobile service. For example, you can forward incoming voice call to number A, while incoming fax call is forwarded to number B (where the fax machine is located).
- Set the custom time-out value for the “Call Forwarding on No Reply” service instead of default value 30s. Furthermore, you can set different time-out value for each basic mobile service. For example, the incoming voice call will be forwarded after 25s while incoming fax call will be forwarded after 5s, if no reply.
- You can choose which basic mobile service to be barred. For example, the incoming SMS will be barred while incoming voice call is not barred. Or you can set so that the outgoing call is barred while you can send an outgoing SMS.
- And there will be unlimited cases that you just can imagine.
★ This app covers the following supplementary services:
- Call Forwarding: CFU, CFB, CFNRy, CFNRc (for the meaning of these abbreviations, see below)
- Call Barring: BAOC, BOIC, BOIC-exHC, BAIC, BIC-Roam
- Line Identification: CLIP, CLIR, CoLP, CoLR
- Call Waiting, Call Hold, Explicit Call Transfer, Multi-Party service
- PIN/PIN2, PUK/PUK2, IMEI, Call Barring Password
- And even some Android hidden codes: *#*#INFO#*#* (*#*#4636#*#*), *#*#CHECKIN#*#* (*#*#2432546#*#*)
★ With each supplementary service, you can choose to apply for all or one of the following basic mobile services:
- Telephony
- Facsimile
- Data Sync/Async
- SMS (for Call Barring only)
★ Features:
- With each supplementary service, you can: Register/Erase, Activate/Deactivate, Interrogate (check status) and Invoke the service.
- [NEW!] You can choose from 2 operation modes: On-Air Mode (true working mode) and Reference Mode. In the Reference Mode, you can see the MMI commands (Man-Machine-Interface commands, for example to display an IMEI dial *#06#, or to check the status of call forwarding dial *#21#) that you can enable these settings on any another phone (e.g Symbian, Windows Mobile, iOS or even non-OS phone) by dialing it on the phone's keypad.
- [NEW!] History that logs all actions that may change your phone's behavior.
- [To-Do] Add your own Custom Code/Custom USSD/Custom MMI command.
★ Abbreviations:
- CFU: Call Forwarding Unconditional
- CFB: Call Forwarding on Mobile Subscriber Busy
- CFNRy: Call Forwarding on No Reply
- CFNRc: Call Forwarding on Not Reachable
- BAOC: Barring of All Outgoing Calls
- BOIC: Barring of Outgoing International Calls
- BOIC-exHC: BOIC except to Home Country
- BAIC: Barring of All Incoming Calls
- BIC-Roam: Barring of Incoming Calls when Roaming
- CLIP: Calling Line Identification Presentation
- CLIR: Calling Line Identification Restriction
- CoLP: Connected Line Identification Presentation
- CoLR: Connected Line Identification Restriction
- CW: Call Waiting
- CH: Call Hold
- ECT: Explicit Call Transfer
- MPTY: Multi-Party
- PIN/PIN2: Personal Identification Number
- PUK/PUK2: PIN Unblocking Key
- IMEI: International Mobile Equipment Identity
Any comment or suggestion are very welcome. Please visit:
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</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">先进的呼叫设置 - 为您的手机必不可少的应用程序。
- 基本移动服务:电话(语音通话),传真(传真电话),短信,数据...
- 附加服务:呼叫转移,呼叫限制,呼叫等待,线路识别...
- 转发来电到不同的号码为每个基本的移动服务。例如,您可以将传入的语音呼叫转发到数A,而传入传真呼叫转发到号码B(如传真机所在地)。
- 设置“呼叫转移无应答”的服务,而不是默认值30秒自定义超时值。此外,您可以为每个基本的移动服务设置不同的超时值。例如,语音呼入将25秒后转发,而传入的传真呼叫将5秒后进行转发,如果没有答复。
- 您可以选择要禁止基本的移动服务。例如,当传入的语音呼叫没有被禁止传入的短信将被禁止。或者你也可以设置,以便呼出禁止,而你可以创建并发送短信。
- 届时将会有无限的情况下,你只是就可想而知了。
- 呼叫前转:CFU,CFB,CFNRy,CFNRc(这些缩写的意思,见下文)
- 呼叫限制:BAOC,BOIC,BOIC-exHC,北汽,BIC-漫游
- 呼叫等待,呼叫保持,显示呼叫转移,多方服务
- 甚至一些Android隐藏代码:*#*#信息#*#*(*#*#4636#*#*),*#*#CHECKIN#*#*(*#*#2432546#*#*)
- 电话
- 传真
- 数据同步/异步
- 短信(仅适用于呼叫限制)
- 每次补充服务,您可以:注册/擦除,激活/停用,询问(检查状态),并调用服务。
- [!新]您可以从2操作模式选择:在空气模式(真正的工作模式)和参考模式。在参考模式,你可以看到在MMI命令(人机接口的命令,例如显示的IMEI拨号*#06#,或检查呼叫转移拨号的状态*#21#),您可以启用这些上设置任何其他手机(如Symbian和Windows Mobile的,的iOS,甚至非操作系统的手机),通过手机的键盘上拨号了。
- [!新]历史的记录,可能会改变你的手机的行为,所有操作。
- [待办事项]添加您自己的自定义代码/自定义的USSD /自定义的MMI命令。
- CFU:无条件呼叫转送
- 循环流化床:呼叫前转的移动用户忙
- CFNRy:呼叫转移无应答
- CFNRc:呼叫前转上不可达
- BAOC:限制所有拨出电话
- BOIC:限制打出国际电话的
- BOIC-exHC:BOIC,归属国除外
- 北汽:限制所有来电呼叫
- BIC-漫游:漫游时,如无来电
- CLIP:主叫线路识别显示
- 跨语言信息检索:主叫线路识别限制
- COLP:连接线路识别显示
- COLR:连接线路识别限制
- CW:呼叫等待
- CH:呼叫保持
- ECT:显式呼叫转接
- MPTY:多党
- PIN/PIN2:个人识别号码
- IMEI:国际移动设备识别码
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